What is this page about?

Here I would like to share my experience of the foreign education and to present my thoughts about it.

My attitude towards education

In general, it is suggested that the education is a very important part of our life, due to the fact, that it helps to develop our personalities and gives us an opportunity to earn money after graduating from the university or school.
 Personally, I believe that everyone should study a lot and be excited by doing it. Conversely, the person's success is not only about studing. I suppose, that it is necessary to develop all parts of our life, not only the educational one. For instance, doing sport, going to a theatre or just hanging around with friends are also crucial things for being effective in this life .


 There are some of my classmates. An interesting fact is that they are from different countries: Lithuania, Rumania, Ukraine, Russia and etc. However, there is no problem for us to speak same language, - Russian, because some of my classmates are familiar with it.

Business lessons

I am particular excited in business and wish to be the businessman in my future. In this college, I got some knowlege about how to establish and develop your own firm. Having said that, now I know better about marketing and operation management. And eventually, I have an idea of how to plan a budget and not to have a negative cash flow in a company.


Frankly speaking, this website I was taught to do in my CIT lessons. Today it is relevant to know how to use computer programmes. Therefore, I appreciate to visit these lessons.


Examination is a big issue for many people and what is more, a lot of them feel stressed about it. However, I consider that if you worry a lot about the exam, you are going to fail it. Thus, it is a good advice to calm down and just to make some preparation before the test with the positive mood.